dharmasooya mahaayagamധര്മ്മസൂയ മഹായാഗം ജന നന്മയ്ക്കോ ?
Groups like you telling this stupid things & nobody hearing you,If you people not intrested then don't participate and intrested people let them do and enjoy.You people better find some other way of living & enjoy your life
Dear Ramesh, Do you believe people like vasista mahirshi and Swami vivekanandan also were stupid? Do you believe that Upanishads like Chandakyopanishad and Prasnopanishad are also stupid? Before writting something stupid why dont you read the post first, and then try whether the facts written in the posts are correct and write a comment to counter with proper reasons? How does yagams got to do with enjoying your life?
Can You please tell me where Swami Vivekandana and Vasista Maharshi commented on Yagam. One thing is sure you are misguided by some stupid people. better understand our tradition, think about where Yoga, Ayurveda, these knowlege came. The whole world accepted indias ancient knowledge. In Germany researchs are going on, but you guys still in ignorance. Please try to read about our rich tradition and undertstand the meaning instead of baseless arguments.
These people do not have any quarms in putting crores of rupees in fire. Instead if they use it for the poor, orphans, crippled, then it would have been useful for mankind.
Both good and bad can come out of this. The good thing is, it will bring tourists to our place. Tourism generates all kinds of business activity and employment opportunities for our people. The bad thing is it gives a false hope to many people. Blind religious dogma is harmful for communal peace and harmony. We should organise events for the benefit of everyone where anyone can joyfully participate irrespective of faith, politics or social status. That would be great!
All the very best for you and your yaga virudha samathi, but the same samathi and you should react in the same manner when other religion,political parties,caste groups who are also doing these kind of dramas.But…. you will not and you can't.It's very intresting to read and hear the great sayings of our legends.Now you have time so you are in the samathi.That's all.
Rationalist don't see any difference between any of these rubbish ( worthless material that is to be disposed of ) religions. All are the same. ! All religions are here to mass control people; and get the common man converted to a slave. !
So Ramesh, you agreed that these yagas are also some kind of drama. But how did you come to the conclusion that rationalists oppose only a particular religion? To know their activities you should read more about them. Just visit http://www.therali.com,and see how fair rationalists are in critizising all kinds of farce dramas. There is a weekly Yukthirekha, which is also a good read. To oppose rationalists, you should know about them.
I hope your belief saves you. But read writings of Swami Vivekanandan, to be a good believer. A good believer should question superstitions existing in his religion and the society. It will be a service to your belief and to our country. I am not trying to make you an atheist or so, but I appeal to you to be a good believer. Again, read Swami Vivekanandan's writings.
The organizers say this dharmasooya yagna is conduction for the world peace and prosperity. Why don't they conduct a special yagna for peace in Kashmir, and why dont they conduct one yagna to get the Israel – Palestine issue resolved. How about conducting one to get the world out of this economic slide down.
Religions are always grown like this – common man is being misguided by some stupid people.
"Complete works of Swami Vivekananda" is available (9 volumes). Not that costly, each volume costs something like 95 rupees only. Please get hold if it, that you will get a better understanding of our tradition. I am not against yoga or ayurveda, I have great regard towards it. Take the good from our ancestors and throw away the bad.
To get an idea of the transformation of hindu culture, why homas and yagas are said to be not a part of original hindu religion, get hold of Rahul Sanskrityayan's "From Ganga to Volga" or Ganga muthal volga vare.
Hymns in Vedas and Upanishads against idol worship:
(1) "They are enveloped in darkness, in other words, are steeped in ignorance and sunk in the greatest depths of misery who worship the uncreated, eternal prakriti – the material cause of the world – in place of the All-pervading God, but those who worship visible things born of the prakriti, such as the earth, trees, bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time." YAJUR VEDA 40: 9.
(2)"The formless Supreme Spirit that pervades the universe can have no material representation, likeness or image." YAJUR VEDA 32: 3.
(3) "Do thou offer thy worship to the self-same Brahma (All-pervading God) who transcends the power of speech and is the source thereof by virtue jof His being Omnipotent, and is the support of the Universe. No other Being is worthy of adoration." KENOPANISHAD.
(4)"Do thou offer thy worship to the self-same Brahma who cannot be comprehended by the human mind and yet is cognizant of the inner workings of the mind. Do thou never worship the soul and the intellect in place of God." KENOPANISHAD.
(5) "Do thou offer thy worship to the Being that cannot be seen with eyes, and yet, He it is from whom the power of sight is derived. Do thou never worship the sun, the fire and the lightening and other material objects which are distinct from Him." KENOPANISHAD.
(6) "Do thou offer thy worship to the self-same Brahma who is not the object of auditory perception, and yet He it is who is the bestower of the power of hearing. Do thou never worship sound* etc., in place of the Lord." KENOPANISHAD.
(7) "Do thou offer thy worship to the self-same Brahma who is not influenced by the breathing forces and yet is the director thereof. Do thou never worship the atmosphere in place of the Lord (which is distinct from Him)." KENOPANISHD.
its pathetic that people still waiting for some miracles from ancient fairytale characters…so pathetic.in a 50 years or less,the religion itself will be vanished from earth……yaga….holy shit!!!!!!!
Groups like you telling this stupid things & nobody hearing you,If you people not intrested then don't participate and intrested people let them do and enjoy.You people better find some other way of living & enjoy your life
Dear Ramesh, Do you believe people like vasista mahirshi and Swami vivekanandan also were stupid? Do you believe that Upanishads like Chandakyopanishad and Prasnopanishad are also stupid? Before writting something stupid why dont you read the post first, and then try whether the facts written in the posts are correct and write a comment to counter with proper reasons? How does yagams got to do with enjoying your life?
Can You please tell me where Swami Vivekandana and Vasista Maharshi commented on Yagam. One thing is sure you are misguided by some stupid people. better understand our tradition, think about where Yoga, Ayurveda, these knowlege came. The whole world accepted indias ancient knowledge. In Germany researchs are going on, but you guys still in ignorance. Please try to read about our rich tradition and undertstand the meaning instead of baseless arguments.
Ramesh, Read the contents first and if you have anything to say in reply, – then said it here. That will be a better way to react rather than this.
These people do not have any quarms in putting crores of rupees in fire. Instead if they use it for the poor, orphans, crippled, then it would have been useful for mankind.
Both good and bad can come out of this. The good thing is, it will bring tourists to our place. Tourism generates all kinds of business activity and employment opportunities for our people. The bad thing is it gives a false hope to many people. Blind religious dogma is harmful for communal peace and harmony. We should organise events for the benefit of everyone where anyone can joyfully participate irrespective of faith, politics or social status. That would be great!
All the very best for you and your yaga virudha samathi, but the same samathi and you should react in the same manner when other religion,political parties,caste groups who are also doing these kind of dramas.But…. you will not and you can't.It's very intresting to read and hear the great sayings of our legends.Now you have time so you are in the samathi.That's all.
Rationalist don't see any difference between any of these rubbish ( worthless material that is to be disposed of ) religions. All are the same. ! All religions are here to mass control people; and get the common man converted to a slave. !
So Ramesh, you agreed that these yagas are also some kind of drama. But how did you come to the conclusion that rationalists oppose only a particular religion? To know their activities you should read more about them. Just visit http://www.therali.com,and see how fair rationalists are in critizising all kinds of farce dramas. There is a weekly Yukthirekha, which is also a good read. To oppose rationalists, you should know about them.
I am very strong in my belief & It leads to me to reach where I am and the same will leads me till my end.
I hope your belief saves you. But read writings of Swami Vivekanandan, to be a good believer. A good believer should question superstitions existing in his religion and the society. It will be a service to your belief and to our country. I am not trying to make you an atheist or so, but I appeal to you to be a good believer. Again, read Swami Vivekanandan's writings.
A lie is a lie even if everyone believes it.
The truth is the truth even if nobody believes it
-David Stevens
The organizers say this dharmasooya yagna is conduction for the world peace and prosperity. Why don't they conduct a special yagna for peace in Kashmir, and why dont they conduct one yagna to get the Israel – Palestine issue resolved. How about conducting one to get the world out of this economic slide down.
Religions are always grown like this – common man is being misguided by some stupid people.
"Complete works of Swami Vivekananda" is available (9 volumes). Not that costly, each volume costs something like 95 rupees only. Please get hold if it, that you will get a better understanding of our tradition. I am not against yoga or ayurveda, I have great regard towards it. Take the good from our ancestors and throw away the bad.
To get an idea of the transformation of hindu culture, why homas and yagas are said to be not a part of original hindu religion, get hold of Rahul Sanskrityayan's "From Ganga to Volga" or Ganga muthal volga vare.
Hymns in Vedas and Upanishads against idol worship:
(1) "They are enveloped in darkness, in other words, are steeped in ignorance and sunk in the greatest depths of misery who worship the uncreated, eternal prakriti – the material cause of the world – in place of the All-pervading God, but those who worship visible things born of the prakriti, such as the earth, trees, bodies (human and the like) in place of God are enveloped in still greater darkness, in other words, they are extremely foolish, fall into an awful hell of pain and sorrow, and suffer terribly for a long time." YAJUR VEDA 40: 9.
(2)"The formless Supreme Spirit that pervades the universe can have no material representation, likeness or image." YAJUR VEDA 32: 3.
(3) "Do thou offer thy worship to the self-same Brahma (All-pervading God) who transcends the power of speech and is the source thereof by virtue jof His being Omnipotent, and is the support of the Universe. No other Being is worthy of adoration." KENOPANISHAD.
(4)"Do thou offer thy worship to the self-same Brahma who cannot be comprehended by the human mind and yet is cognizant of the inner workings of the mind. Do thou never worship the soul and the intellect in place of God." KENOPANISHAD.
(5) "Do thou offer thy worship to the Being that cannot be seen with eyes, and yet, He it is from whom the power of sight is derived. Do thou never worship the sun, the fire and the lightening and other material objects which are distinct from Him." KENOPANISHAD.
(6) "Do thou offer thy worship to the self-same Brahma who is not the object of auditory perception, and yet He it is who is the bestower of the power of hearing. Do thou never worship sound* etc., in place of the Lord." KENOPANISHAD.
(7) "Do thou offer thy worship to the self-same Brahma who is not influenced by the breathing forces and yet is the director thereof. Do thou never worship the atmosphere in place of the Lord (which is distinct from Him)." KENOPANISHD.
The above posted hymns are against idol worship as well as against incarnation of God.
its pathetic that people still waiting for some miracles from ancient fairytale characters…so pathetic.in a 50 years or less,the religion itself will be vanished from earth……yaga….holy shit!!!!!!!
Exactly. You said it.