Adobe Desktop Productivity Certification Exams

The ability of IT professionals to install, update, troubleshoot and otherwise manage Adobe products designed to enhance desktop productivity, like the different versions of Acrobat professional for example, is a central skill set required in any range of positions in the industry. Professionals working in multiple roles and across all sectors need to possess these critical administration skills.

Choosing to document your skills in Acrobat is a positive career step. It allows you to not only build your professional credentials, but to also expand your skill set in everyday professional desktop administration as well.

Adobe’s current certification exam options for validating desktop productivity skills and abilities include exams that focus on Acrobat 9 Professional (9A0-084) and Acrobat X Pro (9A0-160). Both of these exams confer an Adobe Certified Expert (ACE) credential upon successful completion. Both also measure the candidate’s ability to work with Portable Document Files (PDFs), including the creation, modification and printing of PDFs, as well as the ability to create forms, implement appropriate security features in PDFs, and to use Acrobat tools for collaborative work and the review and editing of PDFs.

Whether you decide to certify in Acrobat 9 Professional or Acrobat X Pro, you’ll want to ensure you employ a good exam prep program before scheduling your test. The Adobe 9A0-084 and the Adobe 9A0-160 exams both demand you score high (75 and 64 percent respectively) to pass the test. Adobe offers training options for testing candidates, and you may also want to consider using a good exam prep service, like, to get tutorials, practice exams and other resources to include in your test preparation activities.

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