[Video] Chittur puzha – Soka Nasini River – A Tributary of Bharatha Puzha
Chittur puzha – Soka Nasini River – A Tributary of Bharatha Puzha, Kerala – during the heavy monsoon rains of 2018. Captured on 15th August 2018 9 AM Captured from Chittur Puzha Bridge near Govt. College Chittur. നിറഞ്ഞൊഴുകുന്ന ചിറ്റൂർ പുഴ – ഭാരതപുഴയുടെ ഒരു പോഷകനദി Youtube Video Link: Subscribe to Youtube channel of TattaMangalam: നിറഞ്ഞൊഴുകുന്ന ചിറ്റൂർ […]
Chuttur puzha is filling up fast as Aliyar Dam opens
Chuttur puzha is filling up fast as Aliyar Dam opens
Chittur Puzha Overflowing . Videos
Chittur Puzha at its highest water level in 30 years – Old bridge submerged ! Chittur Puzha at its highest water level in 30 years Sokanasini River near VIlayodi Bridge Crowd gathered to see the overflowing river.
Chittur Puzha Overflowing . Pictures
Heavy and continuous rains caused the Dam at Moolathara break its banks and Chittur puzha got to its highest water level in 30 years. [nggallery id=12]